The ECS-Academy is dedicated to providing skills anticipation backed by hard data, which will then inform initiatives around upskilling, reskilling, and matching.

But that’s not all – ECSA is also set to bring together a wide range of key players in the microelectronics ecosystem for the first time.

ECSA aspires to become the go-to hub for everything skills-related in the world of chips, shaping the future of education in the electronics and microelectronics space and opening new opportunities for collaboration between educational institutions at all level (secondary school, VET providers, and higher education) and industrial leaders.



Developing innovative strategic approaches and collaboration between education and industry in the field of microelectronics for concrete skills development to implement the EU Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience, as well as the operational implementation of the Pact for Skills in Microelectronics;
Bridging the gap between VET, higher education and industry with regard to the emerging occupational profiles and new skills required in microelectronics;
Operationalising the relevant EU instruments (EQF, ESCO, Europass, EQAVET) and competence frameworks (DigComp, EntreComp, GreenComp) in the context of microelectronics education and work.



1. Institutionalise the Pact for Skills for Microelectronics through the establishment of the Secretariat, Educational Board and Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)​
2. Anticipate skills trends and needs by constant monitoring and gauging industry dynamics;
3. Formalise the educational and training mechanisms for microelectronics through the establishment of the first-of-a-kind decentralised European Chips Skills Academy (ECS-Academy);​
4. Develop innovative teaching and learning methods, coupled with educational and training tools that span across mobility, WBL and internship between education/training/industry;
5. Аdаpt VET and HE provision to the skills nееded in microelectronics by dеsigning аnd dеlivеring cross-border sеctorwidе curriculа;
6. Boost innovаtion through the education/training/industry joint-development of training curricula, also developing innovative approaches towards microcrеdеntiаls;
7. Sustain the innovation, competitiveness and growth of the microelectronics ecosystem also by informing and shaping EU policies and initiatives in the long-term (i.e., 2028-2035).