We’re excited to announce our inclusion in Issue No. 2 of the EU Chips Chronicles! 🚀

The EU Chips Chronicles, curated by the Secretariat for the European Alliance on Processors and Semiconductors Technologies (ALLPROS), delivers cutting-edge insights from the semiconductor landscape, featuring contributions from experts and industry leaders across Europe. Issue No. 2 is entirely devoted to one of the key themes in every discussion within the semiconductor sector: how to address the issue of skills shortages in a field that is so critical for EU technological sovereignty?

We extend our gratitude to ALLPROS for showcasing the European Chips Skills Academy as part of a new movement for skills in microelectronics, offering readers an overview of our initiatives. From the European Chips Skills Alliance to the ECS Summer School, it’s rewarding to see our efforts highlighted alongside other key players in the field of skills development.

You can explore ECSA and the other featured initiatives in the EU Chips Chronicles here.


“This is really the key philosophy of the project – we need to zoom in on the critical needs of this growing industry and craft fit for purpose programs to support learners of all different levels.” – Victoria Cummings (Senior Manager for Workforce Development & EU projects at SEMI Europe and ECSA project coordinator)